Saturday, 30 April 2016

Why should you read this blog?

Why should you read this blog?

As I get older, as I’ve become a father, I’ve thought more about what’s really important in life.  I want to share what I’ve learned because about one subject in particular because I think it’s very misunderstood for a lot of people from all different background situations.

I come from a well-educated immigrant family.  I’m very different from my parents, culturally, and they taught me a lot about life and being a decent person, but they taught me almost nothing about money – neither the mechanics nor the philosophy of it.  

And even though they made some pretty decent money in their prime earning years, and everyone saw the outward-facing success, that’s all it was: outward-facing success.  They had no financial foundation, and now that they are older, they aren’t enjoying anywhere near the life and freedom that they could have had if they knew more about money.  

My parents’ lack of financial wisdom has caused incredible strain between us, not because I expected any money from them, but because everyone cares about their loved ones and it’s painful to see my parents fall far short of their potential.  The biggest pill to swallow was when they lost the house.

This blog isn’t about how to set up a savings account.  There are plenty of great guides out there for that purpose.  This blog is about the principle and philosophy of money in our day-to-day activities, the out-of-control consumerism that makes me worry for the future, and where I've tried to evade the perils of financial illiteracy that get in the way of a full and happy life.

Money is a touchy subject.  Everyone has deep beliefs about it.  You may not agree with everything I write, but that’s fine.  I think a lot of you will share my thoughts, concerns, beliefs, and general situation.  And if there’s something interesting or useful you can take away from my writing that helps you or someone you love, then I will be deeply humbled and hopeful.

Thanks for reading.

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